For this semester, I had the amazing opportunity to be an intern under the Love Yourself Foundation. A small non-profit organization in Las Vegas with a mission to promote self-love through the arts. I worked as a marketing and content writer intern for the LYF team.
My main role for this organization as a marketing intern was to create, edit and publish creative and relatable content every week on their social media platforms, mostly Instagram. It was actually fun being able to create different content that related to the mission and the month's theme. I haven't really done much of graphic design before, but after taking in this role, I was able to learn little bit of it and what apps to use as well for editing. This role actually started to slowly make me think of possibly making marketing or something related to social media as something I actually want to continue doing. I was able to learn a little bit more about marketing throughout this internship and it has grown a bit of an interest to me. As for content writing, I had to create captions for all of my graphic designs that I made for my post and that was interesting to do. I'm not all too good with writing, but this part of my responsibility at the Love Yourself Foundation was something that was a little challenging but also fun to do.
All throughout this internship, I was really able to show my creative side, communication skills, teamwork skills, time management skills, and finding an interest in something social media based. Even though I had to create content weekly, I was able to have a lot of freedom of what I wanted to do and what I can do. I was actually really glad to be able to do this and my supervisor and the rest of the LYF team have been so nice and helpful throughout the whole semester. Everyone was always opened to new ideas and helping everyone out. No matter what, each person was very supportive.
Before even taking this internship, I didn't know what I was doing and had no idea what I wanted to do after graduation. After being an intern at LYF, I now think I might really want to do something that relates to social media. I hope whatever I end up doing, my experience with this internship follows me wherever I go. I really like the Love Yourself Foundation, so I hope I can stick with it for a little while. I am always grateful for the Love Yourself Foundation and this internship in general.
(This picture was taken from one of the LYF's monthly events that I attended at.)
Hi Kassandra! I think it's awesome that this internship has led you to consider a career related to social media. There are currently a lot of employers seeking out social media managers or marketers! I also really admire how supportive your whole team was throughout the duration of your internship. I feel that, without that support, it is much more difficult to get out of the comfort zone, like how you did with creating graphics and captions. I also had to step out of my comfort zone for my internship and it was absolutely worth it. Great job!
Kasey, it was great to get to work with you this semester! You always brought such a positive outlook to our meetings, and I noticed that over time you got more and more comfortable speaking up to add your perspective to our discussions. I think it's really brave to admit that you don't know what you want to do yet; it often seems like we're supposed to have it all figured out, but I didn't when I first went to college and I'm not sure I do now, either. You'll find your way, and when you do, the lessons you've learned will still be with you!