This semester, I had the opportunity to intern under the Love Yourself Foundation, a small nonprofit in Las Vegas with the mission to spread the message of self-love through the incorporation of the arts. I worked as a podcast and marketing intern for the team.
My main role as a podcast and marketing intern was to participate in creating, editing, and publishing content for the organization. As a podcast intern, I was sent the recorded podcast episode, and I was responsible for editing the podcast and preparing it for publishing for a set day of the week. I also created audiograms—short videos that highlight a short clip from the episode—to post to Instagram the day the episode was to be fully published. As a marketing intern, I created, edited, and published engaging and thoughtful content every week. It was nice to be able to take on both fields at the same time, because marketing goes hand-in-hand with podcasting. Through this internship, I developed my communication skills, my teamwork skills, my time management skills, and, most of all, a newfound love for marketing.
Even though I had roughly the same weekly tasks, I had a lot of creative freedom to explore what worked and what didn't. I really enjoyed having this space where my supervisor and team leaders trusted me to try out new things and new concepts for the content we put out. Having the amount of wiggle room that I did taught me a lot about what works and what doesn't, and eventually I was able to find a balance that worked for me. I also appreciated that I was able to speak up whenever I had suggestions to make things better at the internship; having that voice helped me improve my confidence in myself, and reassured me that it was okay to voice your opinion (in a respectful way) in the workplace.
Before I took this internship, I wasn’t entirely sure what career path I would go down. Now, however, I can see myself being either a therapist or, most recently, a marketer. Whichever path I take, I am glad I took this internship because either way, I will need to learn how to mock myself . I'm very grateful to the Love Yourself Foundation for this opportunity, and I hope I can continue to stick around as a volunteer!
P.S. The photo is from one of the LYF’s monthly self expression events. I’m hiding in the back left lol
I am so proud of you Janelle! You've experienced incredible growth this semester! You'll be great in Psychology or marketing or a mix of both. Don't ever forget it's not about what you do, it's about who you are, your values and the greatness you bring to the world!
Hi Janelle,
I think it's so cool that you were in charge of editing the podcast and preparing it for publishing, creating short videos highlighting a short clip from the episode, and posting it to Instagram. Originally, that was supposed to be one of my tasks at my internship, but since I am the only intern in charge of client services, it prevented me from doing so. I think it's great that you're thinking of multiple paths for your future, if the pandemic has shown us anything, it's how important to have multiple hassles and sources of income. I enjoyed your post and loved seeing how much you've grown since the beginning of the semester! Keep up the good work and best of luck in your future endeavors!
It definitely sounds like we had similar experiences with our internships! It was great being able to exchange tips and tricks for marketing when our class first started and it's been really delightful to see the posts you've made on the company's Instagram account. You always put so much effort into your posts and it shows through your creative choices, and captions. The content you put forth is very inspiring and uplifting. Your confidence has also definitely seemed to shown through more as we've progressed throughout the semester and you are truly a delightful and thoughtful individual!
Meeting you was one of the best parts of my internship with LYF this semester! Psychology goes hand-in-hand with marketing (or at least that's what I learned in Social Psychology last semester) and I think you'd be great in a marketing position--you're creative, you have a great sense of aesthetic, and you truly understand how to reach people. Your skills and confidence have grown so much this semester, and I'm looking forward to working with you over the summer, too!
It was great interning alongside you, Janelle. It was so good to listen to the episodes that you worked on. I really enjoyed getting a new episode every week in my notifications and knowing that you were behind it. You have grown so much this semester. You should be proud of all that you have accomplished so far. And you’re going to go onto even greater things! Since we are going to still be at LYF over the summer, let’s find a way to collaborate. Maybe we can even record our own podcast episode together!
Hi Janelle,
I really enjoyed reading this and your internship sounded like it had a lot of responsibilities but seemed really worth while. I really admire the creative and marketing fields. I am also interested in marketing because I feel like it fits my major and allows for a lot of collaboration with creativity. However, it does seem challenging at times. I have to give you props for going through with it, it seems like a very good career.