Hey there, everyone! 🤗 I hope you all have been having a great summer internship so far, and have gained a lot of new insight and knowledge from it. I have been interning with the International Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (ISECS), getting to do some really awesome programming, web-designing, and graphic-designing. But of course, while I had knowledge in all of these fields prior, I had to adapt my skills for this academic purpose and learn how to present these skills and information to an academic audience. This internship has benefited my future career because I can now add valuable internship work to my resume and portfolio; it has also helped me to develop my IT skills and research skills for professional projects which I will be involved in, in the future. It will continue to benefit my career because the skills I have learned during this internship, will stick with me throughout my entire career path. My internship does not tie into my field of study. My internship was more geared towards a History Major, while I am a Psychology Major. However, this did not inhibit me from gaining plentiful and useful knowledge, and it was actually refreshing to step out of my usual field of study and learn some new things! I was also working on more career based skills (office skills as well). The educational requirements I believe I needed beforehand in order to be successful in this internship were research knowledge, computer skills, and some history background. Thankfully, being a senior in college now, I have developed my ability to perform research and my computer skills. However, I definitely had to brush up on my history knowledge when my internship first began. I am not interested in becoming a historian, even after my internship, because history is simply not my passion. I truly enjoy psychology and will pursue therapy as my career path. However, my internship wasn’t only based around history, but more about applicable tech skills and media skills. My site supervisor recognized my major did not line up with the internships’ related major, and was so accommodating. He (Dr. Brown) made sure I was working on a project for ISECS that built the skills I wanted to build for my education and career. These are the kinds of skills one would need for any position in the workforce, so I am grateful for that! The training, education, skills, or experiences I need to gain in order to secure a full-time position in my field of study (psychology), is to first graduate with great grades, extracurricular activities under my belt, and a rich and experienced resume. Then I need to apply to the CFT Program at UNLV, get in, and kick butt! I will continue to work very hard to make this goal my reality. One piece of advice I have for incoming interns, is don’t be afraid to ask questions! Your site supervisors are there to help and want to see you be successful. You’ll learn a-lot more if your involved with someone with experience.
Here are some images of the website I built:
Well thank you very much, and have a great day! 🤓
Madison Grant
Hello Madison,
Working this internship with you is a great experience. The website you have made is amazing and will be great for the project as it goes forward. I know history is not your major but I am glad that you still got relevant experience from this internship. That is one of the great things about this internship, it was able to work even for non-history students and you still gained something from it.