This internship has definitely benefited my future career because I was lucky enough to work alongside case managers, paralegals, and attorneys. I gained a lot of experience and confidence that I am a good candidate for any law firm position in the future. I was able to be open and honest about my future endeavors and everyone was always super supportive.
Yes, my major is multidisciplinary studies with fields of business, philosophy in law, and psychology. Because I took law courses I was well-prepared for this internship.
No education requirements were necessary to be successful in this internship. However, soft skills were definitely needed as I communicated with courts.
I am interested in this particular career because you get the satisfaction of helping others with their major life changes. You are the backbone of their success in the future and its very rewarding to know that your work matters.
Case management is the experience needed for this position. I think that a paralegal certification is also very useful when applying to work at a lawfirm.
One piece of advice I would give is go above and beyond what is being asked of you. Employers always want to see that you are passionate about your work and that you are dedicated to making a difference.
The Law Firm of Higbee and Associates. Higbee & Associates. (n.d.).
Hello Daria! You're internship sounds very interesting and sounds like you were able to learn a lot from it. I'm glad you were able to add that experience under your belt. I also like that you added to go above and beyond in whatever our internship or job is. I agree that doing more will always make you stand out and can even help you go further in your chosen field. The internship was a good chance at making connections and I hope that you'll be able to use those in the future. Good job!
Hello Daria! It sounds like you had a great internship expereince where you were able to learn a lot of valuable information. I can imagine that going into the field of law can be very intimidating so I am happy to hear that this internship gave you confidence! My internship was my first experience in the workforce of my chosen field so I feel like I relate to that sentiment. I also agree that you should always go above and beyond! That internship could be a future job opportunity or a letter of reccomendations, but either way it's important to aim high! Great job!