This internship has benefitted my future career by allowing me to expand upon my research skills in a non-profit environment. It will continue to benefit me as I continue to build upon those skills and continue building positive relationships with the folks that I’ve been able to meet throughout my internship. I have been invited to continue as a volunteer and appreciate the opportunity to watch my research grow. My internship does tie into my psychology and English majors as I am required to write and research efficiently and effectively. I am also able to get better insight into how self-care and self-love tie into mental health. I believe that to be successful in this internship, prior experience with research and writing will be extremely helpful. I continue to be interested in conducting research, either inside or out of the non-profit scope. I believe that this experience has allowed me to observe that the academic way of conducting research is not the only way. I’ve also come to understand that the definition of “credibility” can change depending on how the research will be conducted and utilized. To secure a full-time position in this field, continued education, mentorship, and additional training are required. There are many nuances within the research field and they can only be addressed through appropriate experiences; however, many skills are able to be further developed once the expectations for the research have been established. In terms of advice, I suggest that incoming interns remain open-minded throughout their experience. There are so many opportunities to learn and to grow, if you are only receptive to the idea. The photo that I’ve attached is from a Women’s Empowerment event that the Love Yourself Foundation hosted. We engaged in meditation, a sound bath, and an art exercise focused on healing the inner child.
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Hi Liana,
I'm glad to hear you've gotten so much from your internship! As one of your fellow interns, I fully understand: this foundation is something else entirely, and one that will surely benefit you in your future aspirations and goals! Also, the women's event was great- I'm glad you enjoyed it too!
Wow, your internship seems like a really great place to jumpstart your career. I am impressed by their mission of self care and self love. These elements are key to having a successful career, as well as a satisfying life. I love that mental health and wellbeing is at the forefront of your coursework as well as the Love Yourself Foundation. I also am very impressed by your photograph, it really draws me in, and showcases the beauty of self-care.
Hello Liana!
First off, that Women's Empowerment event looks absolutely stunning! Your internship definitely sounds very unique. It sounds like you are going to continue even after the internship as a volunteer, and that is amazing! It is nice you got to learn a lot about self-love and self-healing, I have always thought its hard to love others and help them if you don't love yourself. That is very important and it seems like you got to learn that, as well as help other people love themselves. Open-mindedness seems to be important to any internships, but yours a little more it seems!
Hi Liana!
Its been so great working with you through the Love Yourself Foundation! I couldn't agree more with what you said about LYF! Having the self care and mental health aspect of the intership has also had a lot of impact on how I plan work moving forward. I do also agree that writing and research experince would be helpful! You've done such a great job so far and I can't wait to see what you continue to bring to the Love Yourself Foundation! Keep up the great work and thank you for such a great post!
Hi Liana!
What a wonderful reflection of your experience and insights about your internship! It's so great to hear how it has positively impacted your future career and research skills, as the LYF has definitely improved my career skills, as well! I love how we all learned more about self-care and self-love and its interconnectedness with mental health. You explained your observation that research approaches can vary and that credibility can adapt based on context very well. Your advice to incoming interns to remain open-minded and receptive resonates deeply, and I agree with that advice as a Podcast and Marketing Intern for the LYF! Thank you for sharing the photo from the Women's Empowerment event—it was such a powerful and healing event that I was grateful to experience with you and the other women. Wishing you continued growth and success in your future endeavors! :)