My time at the Las Vegas Natural History Museum has been tremendously helpful in providing me with guidance and experience for my future career. While working primarily in its Education Department and other events may not directly correlate to my study of Political Science, I've found that being in a professional environment and accomplishing tasks outside my comfort zone can be extremely lending to personal growth. From representing non-profit organizations in community events to suddenly filling in for public speaking engagements, my confidence in myself as a professional has definitely gone up. I also am thankful for all my mentors and superiors, not only for the kind and welcoming work environment but for the pieces of wisdom they seem to share at the drop of a hat. Everyone in any place of employment has their own unique career journey, and those at the museum have always been forthcoming in their stories and helpful advice. They listen to my passions and aspirations, and have on several occasions gone into depth about the different paths I can take. By speaking with people with work experience in fields close or adjacent to those I would like to work in the future, I have learned about the broad range of careers and different ways I can apply myself to achieve my goals. As someone who went into this internship hoping for some inkling of direction for my future, I can for sure say that I will come out of it having found that.
While I do not think museums will be the first career path I pursue after graduation, my time at the Las Vegas Natural History Museum has directly influenced my future decisions for the better. Everyday has been a fun learning experience, and the connections I’ve made with those in my community hold immense value. For any incoming interns, I would advise them to go into their program with an open mind ready to learn, because there is endless growth to be made and experience to be had.
Open mind and ready to learn- those are great words of wisdom!