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Jennifer Rubio
Jul 06, 2022
In Summer 2022
This summer I interned with Climate Action Nevada where I learned how to become and work like an activist. At the moment I am majoring in Sociology and I hope to pursue a career in Environmental Sociology. This internship has really open a world of experience in a field that I had not thought of trying. It allowed me to see first hand what is needed to work as an activist. I saw all the work that went into it and what is expected from every individual to make sure that the community is being helped and at the same time being educated. Most importantly this opportunity has allowed me to genuinely experience what people know and how communities react and feel about social issues when it comes to climate change and the environment as a whole. This will allow me to have a more realistic view of how society works when I go forward in my career. Before this internship I had taken a few classes that spoke about communication, presentation, and moral/ethical lessons. I think all of these were useful to me during this internship and I was really able to put these skills to the test during my time there. Furthermore, while I do greatly appreciate my time at Climate Action Nevada, I do not think that activism is the career that I will pursue in the future. I think activism is something that will always be a part of my life and it is something that I will always try to make time for. In the end I still am highly interested in pursuing a career in research but as I have said my time interning at Climate Action NV will allow me to have a much better understanding of peoples thoughts and how they perceive any information being presented to them. If I could give any advice to future interns it is to be open and prepared to try new things that you may not be comfortable with. This is an opportunity for you to really throw yourself at something new that you may end up really liking so don’t take the opportunity for granted.
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Jennifer Rubio

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