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Jul 07, 2022
In Summer 2022
This internship opportunity has benefited me by helping me with time management, stress management and organizational skills. I had to accommodate different students schedules, along side my own. With that, I also had to communicate with my internship supervisor as well as Professor’s to keep things running smoothly for myself and for my students. From this opportunity, I will take the communication skills I have learned and improve them. This will be helpful for my future because I have to be comfortable communicating with others about their issues, time management, mental health, daily tasks/life, and this has been beneficial in getting my foot in the door. My internship does tie into my major of study, most of it is communicating and organizing. I want to be a therapist in the future, so I will have to accommodate people schedules as well as my own. I often times will be communicating with those who are above me and more educated than myself, such as doctors and psychiatrists. During this internship I had to discuss issues with daily activities, stressors, and mental health, so all of that will tie in to me when becoming a counselor and therapist. I believe I needed confidence in the way I talk in order to move forward with this opportunity. I am talking to numerous students one on one, as well as in group meetings. So I needed to be comfortable talking in front of a group of people. I also believe I needed to maintain a good gpa and grades in order to help others or motivate others to do the exact same. I am happy I already had my LinkedIn and resume done as well. I have been, and continue to still be interested in this career. If anything, I am more intrigued to learn more skills that I will be able to use down the line to further my career. This internship pushed me out of my comfort zone in so many ways. It also taught me how to time manage a lot better, so I am grateful for that. I would love to continue this journey. Skills and training necessary for this career is time management, communication, organizational skills, teamwork, decision making, public speaking, etc. One main skill necessary is to be understanding and have a growth mindset. Sometimes you may disagree with someone, but it’s appropriate to stay focused, understand, give advice where wanted, then move forward. For incoming interns, I would suggest learning a routine or schedule for yourself. It is a lot easier to schedule around other people schedules, if you already have one for your own. Sticking to a regular routine can alleviate stress. Photo.
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