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Jul 08, 2024
In Summer 2024
I have to be honest, this has not been an easy process, to say the least. After committing to work as an intern at a particular site, it was learned that the hours needed to complete the course requirements were well beyond what the site could offer. This prompted me to find a new location with the amazing help of UNLV COLA advisors, staff, and others. While being a full-time student is not the most conducive setting to intern, it is possible. I am now technically an intern for MADD and I am so happy to be a part of their team. Unbeknownst to me, MADD does not have the massive footprint I thought it originally had. This means there is a ton of work to be had and many opportunities for creativity and building. My supervisor has been beyond helpful in finding ways for me to earn the required hours but still gives me the autonomy to find unique ways to contribute. I am confident that this internship will lead to a much longer and sustained relationship after graduation as it aligns with my current career status and aspirations. As a PSC student, my understanding of our local politics, policy analysis, and legislation has been an asset for me in this particular role. If I were to suggest one specific class that has helped me the most it would be English as it requires extensive communication both formally and informally. I would not professionally seek out a career with MADD since it is not in my career field but in retirement, I would consider volunteering for the organization in a full-time capacity since I am in alignment with their values, purpose, and mission. If I could offer any advice to an incoming intern it would be to pick a site that can provide you the necessary hours to meet the course requirements. I know this might sound trite but going through the traditional paths to get an internship should be mandatory as opposed to finding your own. Due to the newness of my internship, I do not have any photos to provide but will in the upcoming week as I will be manning a table at future events.
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