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Jorge Alonso
Dec 12, 2022
In Fall 2022
This internship will benefit my future in Healthcare. It thought me to be empathetic and found compassion to people in their suffering. I became a better listener and communicator to the patients I visited. For me, this internship has 50/50 tie in to my major, on one hand it fits with my psychology major in that I learn about the disease process of the brain and witness people's behaviors and cognition first hand. On the hand, this does not fit into my radiography major. To be successful in this internship you would require some knowledge of brain disorders and a little pathology for a patients illness. In the administrative side, you would need to have teamwork and communication skills. Hospice is not something I would work personally, but the Healthcare side I would. Healthcare what I am passionate in. Being part of the "action" not the administrative or "behind the scenes" part. For a full time position in Hospice, you can go 1 of 4 routes. CNA which requires a CNA license, RN, administrative, Chaplin, and social work would require a Bachelors or masters respectively. One piece of advice I would give to new interns for this internship is to make great first impressions. This is because you are going to patients home for visits and you want to make sure they can entrust in you, and you make them feel comfortable. Lastly, I would advice to be respectful and mindful of the patients you visit. Each one has different needs and illness, one is can be more vulnerable then the next. They love sharing their experiences and sometimes they will tell you something they never told anyone before.
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Jorge Alonso

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